The Joy of Game Development (PICO-8 Edition)
An intro to the PICO-8 game engine given at MomoConline 2020. (Video edited with Davinci Resolve, Audacity, Levelator, and Handbrake; blog post about the process here.)
Unity for Beginners
An introduction to the Unity game engine given at the Knox Game Design online meetup.
Calling Web Services from Unity
An example of how to call web services from Unity (in this case, a simple NodeJS app running locally) given at the Knox Game Design online meetup.
RPG Maker Scripting Crash Course
An introduction to Ruby scripting in the RPG Maker VX Ace game engine given at the Knox Game Design online meetup.
Saving Game Data in Unity
A demo of two ways of saving data in Unity (PlayerPrefs and JSON serialization) given at the Knox Game Design online meetup.
Unity UI Text: Four Built-In Options for Fonts
A demo of four ways to handle fonts in Unity (standard font assets, custom font assets, TextMesh Pro font assets, and TextMesh Pro sprite assets) given at the Knox Game Design online meetup.